Tuesday 26 July 2011

Did the Courier Call?

A customer has cancelled an order...we didn't deliver.

In fact our courier's tracking shows that they called at the correct numbered house on the day after the order was placed at 11:59, and left a calling card...and noted the house had a brown door.

The customer told us she has a brown door, was out for two hours at that time...and never received the courier's card.

[ Which means she never saw it, amongst the other mail / circulars. ]

She was indignant... we must take the blame for incompetent couriers etc !!
Her husband weighed in from his office later in the day...and was a bit quiet when we asked if we could re-deliver there?

Anyway, the point is that couriers do leave cards, a work address is usually easier to find and deliver to, and thankfully most customers are wonderfully intelligent with superb taste in leather products....

Happy shopping!

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