Tuesday, 31 July 2012


To end the recession the government has had the bright thought that printing money is the solution.
What can you say?


The first paragraph of any decent text-book for 16 year olds reading Economics will state clearly that this is not a good idea, and leads to inflation.
The more money that's printed, the worse the inflation that will follow.

Next, having printed the money, an even more grotesque move.
Let's give billions to the bankers.

Can you believe the logic of giving another feast for jackals and vultures ?

These are the low life who messed up the whole system first of all!!

O.K. they retired a few bad eggs.

But the circus management that remains is scared witless of doing anything, particularly lending when times are hard.

So the simple answer is...


Reduce VAT and reduce income tax now.

Result, retail and housing picks up.
Mr and Mrs Hard Working Family get that lovely old "feel good" factor.

Cars get bought.
Furniture and carpets are replaced.
Holidays are taken,

We like holidays ...holidays mean demand for travel bags.

Just off to pack.

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