Thursday, 27 October 2011

Funny thing happened on the way to the Leather Briefcase Company

I've heard some excuses for late delivery, to which I can now add that the courier has locked himself out of his own van today- fairly common, so it was bound to happen to us sooner or later.

Less usual, also on my list, the fire at the oil terminal on the M1 - closing the motorway for days.

Or - the truck has been taken for forensics by the police - someone introduced illicit goods into the consignment.

The container was washed overboard in the Bay of Biscay...look it up...this happens all the time! 
There's 29,000 rubber ducks fell off a ship in the Pacific 19 years ago, which are still landing on beaches all round the world!

My personal favourite - VERY UNFUNNY AT THE TIME! - we flew in a very big urgent consignment from Calcutta, and the air-freighter was an old Russian Iluyshin.

When it landed in Gatwick, it was impossible to open the cargo bay.
The doors were jammed solid.
I think they burnt a hole in it - it took two days to get to the goods, and we paid a hefty penalty for a late delivery.

Still, what else can you do for a bit of excitement, when you sell luggage?


Anonymous said...

(The container was washed overboard in the Bay of Biscay...)

I'm currently training to be a navigational officer, and on my 2nd day ever on-board a ship (Container ship) we was in the Bay of Biscay being thrown about like rag-dolls. The areas infamous for it, so that's one excuse I'd definitely believe.

The Next Prime Minister said...

You missed a trick with the Ilyushin freighter. On the ground and with the weight no longer suspended from their wings those old wrecks crush themselves a little under their own weight, jamming the doors. It's a bit like a beached whale... If you had gone to see your goods being loaded you would have seen that all the bags and cases would have been lined up a few yards apart all along the runway. As the plane swoops a few feet up labourers throw the freight in through open doors. They can load about a ton per passage, which is allowed for in the transport charges you pay; didn't you read the details?

Anyway, unloading is simply a reverse procedure, better carried out on lush grass runways than on hard concrete or tarmac. Didn't you notice how the crew were falling over themselves laughing? It wasn't just the vodka...

I would be pleased to give you the benefit of other pearls of wisdom. Please come here to collect me, with a strait-jacket to make it look authentic, and tell the nurses it's a transfer to a high security facility.

(Signed) Napoleon The Hun