Saturday, 17 September 2011


Some years ago, I had to give a very short introductory talk to a meeting of worthy citizens.

They'd been well watered and fed, and were waiting for the main event to appear, and trying to stay awake and look interested.

"I'd like to announce that Tony Blair has resigned as Prime Minister, and Gordon Brown has immediately called for a General Election to confirm that he and New Labour should continue to govern."

The effect of my opening words was electric.

As the meaning sunk into the many minds in the room, I timed my next statement carefully...

" I'd like to announce it...but of course it couldn't possibly have happened".

Great merriment and applause followed, and some people still ask me to functions to this day to make after dinner speeches.

And the point is...

"All political lives end in failure" was the prediction and verdict of a man who has been voted as one of the 100 Greatest Britons....and whose political career fulfilled his own words.

As politicians struggle to run the business of Europe, [ or anywhere ] we can expect failure.

Politicians should make laws, police should enforce them.
Businesses should make money, and provide good employment, pay taxes, to be spent by public servants who know that "good house-keeping" is the only target!

Too simple?

Tuesday, 6 September 2011

Fluff my Mugbook

A well worn joke with my closest, is that I'm studying hard to become a High Court Judge.
What this means is I'm losing touch with reality, that's if I wanted much to do with it anyway.

So what if I couldn't recognise Madonna if she walked in the room?
Who cares what goes on in East Enders?...especially when you were born and lived in Barking for 20 years!

Now Mugbook and Fluttering appear to be vital to the air that I breathe.
Or was it Face-Up and Tooting?

It seems to me that the human urge to accommodate the LCD...that's not a drug, it's the Lowest Common Denominator... is more prevalent than ever.

Anyway, if anyone ever reads this, I'm unashamedly interested in high standards.

Life is short.

It gets shorter every passing day.

Trivial pursuits like Facebook and Tweets - damn, that will set me back on the High Court Circuit - may be fun...but they're a waste of valuable time.

Must go and see if the cricket is on....